Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Second Look at Death of a Salesman

Willy envies his older brother, Ben, who moved away to Alaska and became wealthy. Willy's extreme jealousy is due to the fact that he had the opportunity to join his brother, but declined it to become a salesman, which has proved to be a less-than-satisfactory job. Ben also got to meet their father, unlike Willy. I think that this has affected Willy's parenting skills. Not having a father figure during childhood makes it hard for him to be a good father. He had no guideline or idea of how he should act. Willy favored Biff when his sons were young because he was such a great athlete. He neglects Happy which is not good parenting.
Linda Loman loves her husband, despite everything he does to her. She always stands up for him no matter what. I think she loves him a lot more than he ever loved her. He is rude to her, always yelling and screaming at her. But she overlooks this rude behavior, and I think she loves him more than he ever loved her. She thinks he is the most incredible man, having worked hard in his life to provide for his sons. He did work hard, but I think Linda gives him too much credit. He could've gotten another job that would've supported the family much better, but his pride stood in his way.
I'm proud that Biff decided to come home and help his father in his time of need. Biff has decided to change, as he knows that Willy would have done anything for him when he was still capable, and he owes it to him to help out a little. Inside, Biff still seems to be a kid trying to figure out his life. But he is taking the right steps towards adulthood. 

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